Sorry, I’ve been very quiet lately, this is for good reasons – I’ve been spectacularly busy!
So busy in fact that I nearly missed this milestone. EP Ecology turns one year old today, Wednesday 9th June 2021 (we didn’t technically start trading until July, but we registered in June).
What a year it’s been!
In June 2020, I had a bit of a stressy morning and handed my notice in at my cushy job with a company I liked and a team that were amazing in the middle of a global pandemic with no savings and thousands of pounds of debt in order to pursue a longer term dream I had; to set up my own consultancy.

Peat Depth Surveys in the rain on a wind farm in Dumfries & Galloway were one of the harder moments to stay positive!
The first project I worked on was a commercial property reinstatement near Glasgow, delivering nocturnal surveys for bats, pre-dawn surveys for birds, and ecological clerk of works. Since then I’ve worked on upwards of 50 projects ranging from otter surveys on the Isle of Arran to badger surveys in Fife and a lot in between.
I’ve worked with a huge variety of clients from private homeowners looking to convert outbuildings into residential space to multidisciplinary organisations needing additional support for their own in-house ecology teams. I have to extend a very warm, and very sincere thank you to every single client who has chosen EP Ecology to deliver their ecology projects, without you this enterprise of mine would have failed. It’s genuinely very heartwarming to be chosen by a client and be able to go to work every day and deliver as best as you can for that client, their projects, and for biodiversity.

Even welcomed a new member of the EP Ecology family, Trucky McTruckface who joined last month.
Twelve months later and I’ve paid off my debts, I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time, and I’m busier than I think I’ve ever been, I love it! So yes, setting up the business was a massive risk for me in the position I was in, not even to mention the whole pandemic, but it totally paid off so far. Here’s to many more years delivering for clients, and for biodiversity!

Rhododendron surveys in the highlands made for a tiring but hugely scenic couple of weeks!
Happy Birthday EP Ecology, very happy to have founded this business and very excited by some of what’s going on behind the scenes here and I do hope to be able to share with you the good news soon.
In the meantime, if you need any ecology support throughout Scotland, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and I’ll see if we can deliver for you!