EP Ecology are specialist providers of a wide range of ecological consultancy services, from plant and habitat surveys, through protected species surveys, impact assessment, mitigation, and licensing.
Our skilled team of ecologists at EP Ecology are fully capable of delivering plant and habitat surveys to help our clients. We have years of experience of identifying plants and habitats and can collect data which helps inform your Local Planning Authority.
The traditional Ecology surveys, from bats to badgers, adders to newts, and meadow pipits to merlin, EP Ecology has a skilled team of ecology surveyors who can deliver a full suite of protected species surveys to suit any proposed developments.
From scoping surveys, to baseline data collection all the way through to assessment for impacts or likely significant effects, our friendly team at EP Ecology can help your project excel for biodiversity.
We at EP Ecology are passionate about ensuring that we deliver the best possible outcomes for both clients, and for biodiversity in the projects we deliver.
We don’t just specialise in surveys and assessments. Our team of skilled and experienced consultants can assist with licensing, protection plans, and physical on-site clerk of works roles to ensure that your project goes ahead smoothly and with minimal disruption to the natural environment.