Badgering the Badgers

Badger survey season is upon us, but what does this involve? Well, during a recent preliminary ecological appraisal, I took the opportunity to put together a short clip which shows some of the things we look for when surveying for badgers. Watch it below!

Ecology Surveys of the Month: March

Continuing from last month’s post, here’s a few of the surveys we can do in March. It all starts to kick off in March with several species groups needing surveys to start up. Badger Survey February saw the start of the badger survey season as they became active following the January lull. This month badgers are moving around […]

EP Ecology Starts Carbon Offsetting

Thrilled to announce that as of this month, EP Ecology is a member of Ecologi, a carbon-offsetting programme which plants trees globally. Our trees will be planted in forests throughout the world, including right here in Scotland. The way this venture works is by using funds from businesses to buy and plant trees for projects where they’re needed […]

Ecology Report for Planning Authorities: A Guide

“I have been asked by the local planning authority to provide an ecology survey report, what is that?” Sound familiar? A lot of people who submit planning applications will be met with a request for an “ecology survey report” but this term is often not really explained. Hopefully this blog will help. What is an […]

Froggy Friday

Next week, I’ll be talking about a project I’ve worked on for a decade now at the ARG-UK 2021 AGM. Obviously I won’t give too much away in this blog because spoilers are bad. However, I thought I’d talk a bit about the humble common frog, and summarise some of the work I’ve done on this […]

Ecology Surveys of the Month: February

Continuing from last month’s post, here’s a few of the surveys we can do in February. Another quieter month for ecology surveyors, but that doesn’t mean we’re sitting inside hibernating (even if we may wish we were!) Badger Survey February sees the start of the badger survey season as they start to become more active following the January […]

Great Crested Newt: Friend or Foe?

Update 26th Jan. 2021: This blog post is specifically about great crested newt surveys in Scotland, it does not apply in England where there are several systems in place to bypass the need to undertake GCN surveys for projects. The least common species of newt in Great Britain, great crested newts (GCN; Triturus cristatus) are often […]

Ecology Surveys of the Month: January

It’s well known that ecology is quite seasonally constrained. Certain species are active at times of the year where others are not. What this means is that as ecologists we need to time our surveys as best we can to collect suitable data. Surveying at the wrong time collects poor data and this can cause […]

Happy New Year from EP Ecology

Hello everyone and happy Friday! Over the course of the holiday break, I had a bit of a fiddle about with some of the settings on the website. Needless to say I broke it, so we were offline for the best part of a week. I think we’re back again but things might not be […]

2020 Roundup

Since kicking EP Ecology off properly in July this year, it’s been a bit of a wild ride. Leaving a comfortable, decent paying job with colleagues that you like and get on well with for the uncertainty of self-employment is maybe a little bit mental at the best of times, but to do it in the middle […]