The horses on the hill: Grazing for biodiversity net gain?

If you take a walk up the North Berwick law, you may be surprised to bump into some unexpected residents. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that a gang of ponies hasbroken free from a nearby field and taken over the hill but the this is, in fact, their permanent home.  Since 2013 a group of Exmoor ponies have been part of a conservation project to enhance the biodiversity of North Berwicks’sSSSI heritage site. As […]

Species Profile: Badgers

A guest blog by Nicole Baxter (EP Ecology Assistant Ecologist) European badgers (Meles meles) are mammals belonging to the family Mustelidae (which also includes otters, pine martens and weasels). Found across the UK and Europe, they are recognisable by their characteristic black and white faces. They are the UK’s biggest terrestrial predator, known to eat hedgehogs and […]

EP Ecology Gains Certification to ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 Standards

The EP Ecology team have been working hard over the last 18 months to make changes to the way we operate and manage our business. We’ve changed how we manage the quality of our deliverables, how we manage our environmental impact, and how we ensure the health and safety of our team and our contractors […]

Art in Nature

Nothing clears away the cobwebs of the festive period like a walk in the woods. It was on a particularly wet and drizzly walk at Muiravonside Country Park that I stumbled upon a real treat, which made me stop and think about art and nature. Tramping the muddy path (with dog in tow) from the […]

Our New Years Resolution: Improve our Sustainability

Well, 2023 is here. 2022 came and went almost in the blink of an eye. It was fun though, the team grew from two to five and our projects were varied and covered the entirety of Scotland from Thurso to Jedburgh… but what’s next for EP Ecology? We’ve decided that this year we’re going to […]

Dùthchas: appreciating nature (the ancient way)

I recently returned from a weekend away with friends up north, in the glorious highlands – the Cairngorms. It was exciting, as I had not escaped the congested central belt for some time. Being mid-November, I did think the trip might be cold and miserable, as I am a wuss when it comes to the […]

EP Ecology Gains New Accreditations

It’s been a busy several months here at EP Ecology, we’ve been working hard for our clients and delivering more projects than we dreamed we would. However, in the background we’ve also been working on upgrading the performance of our business for the benefit of our staff, and for the benefit of our clients. Here’s […]

Scotland 2045 – Fourth National Planning Policy Framework “Nature Crisis”: What does it mean for ecologists and developers?

From incorporating biodiversity enhancement to strengthening Nature Networks, the new national planning policy might change how we look at biodiversity in development entirely. On this page:What does the policy say?What does this mean for developers?What does this mean for ecologists? The Scottish Government has recently published their Draft Fourth National Planning Policy Framework. In this, there […]

EP Ecology has a new office!

When EP Ecology was founded, back in 2020, we were based out of my front room – a “study” space that I transformed into a functioning business office. However, with the addition of Alistair to the team, and the growth in volume of equipment and resources that we have at our disposal to facilitate site work, it […]

One Year Old Today…

Sorry, I’ve been very quiet lately, this is for good reasons – I’ve been spectacularly busy! So busy in fact that I nearly missed this milestone. EP Ecology turns one year old today, Wednesday 9th June 2021 (we didn’t technically start trading until July, but we registered in June). What a year it’s been! In June 2020, […]